Calls promoted by Zabala Innovation

At Zabala Innovation, we organise and manage several cascade funding projects. Here, you can see some of the most important calls in which we participate.


Its primary aim is to develop robotic solutions that autonomously identify and repair defects in manufacturing products, enhancing worker safety and streamlining production processes. By placing the human at the core of its activities, the MAGICIAN project seeks to contribute to a trust-based, secure transition towards human-robot collaboration in manufacturing.


This project will enable scientific advancements in key areas of artificial intelligence by attracting top research teams for collaboration. It will also facilitate the adoption of innovations in artificial intelligence, robotics, and data across various sectors through collaborative efforts. Furthermore, it aims to enhance European industries’ recruitment of talent by engaging students and emerging professionals in competitions. In this way, the project seeks to boost private investment in AI research through appealing and effective approaches.


X2.0 is a deeptech growth programme that seeks to ensure the scaling up of EU deeptech startups by providing custom, industry-focused, growth programme that will act as a catalyst in delivering market-ready applications and technology solutions in 5 key impact areas: Manufacturing & Circular Economy, AgriTech, HealthTech & BioTech, Smart Cities and Sustainability, and Data & A.I.

The project will distribute €1.5M in innovation and scaling up services to 50 deep-tech startups and will contribute to the offering of the EIC program. From November 2022 to November 2024 X2.0 will launch five open calls.


IMPETUS aims to set up a Citizen science (CS) innovation programme to (i) open routes to fund a more diverse range of CS initiatives (CSIs), (ii) strengthen the bond between society and science, (iii) recognise the role of citizen science in Europe, and (iv) enhance the contribution of CS to achieving SDG and Green Deal targets.

The project will launch 3 Open Calls, selecting the initiatives based on expected impacts, volunteer engagement, EDI, openness and quality data. The consortium will offer 20k to kick-start 100 CSIs and 10k to sustain 25 CSIs addressing the pressing needs of European society.


The European Data Incubator (EDI) project promotes Big Data among European companies. The University of Deusto coordinates this consortium, made up of 20 entities from ten European countries, in which Zabala Innovation also participates.

Through the project’s actions, companies and start-ups are helped to avoid the obstacles they encounter when trying to develop strategies for the use and exploitation of data. 5M€ are distributed in three calls to support more than 100 third parties.


The NGI EXPLORERS programme supports top EU researchers and entrepreneurs in understanding the different US perspectives, vision, values and technology approaches to enhance the research mindset and catalyse the impact of their disruptive “made in Europe” ideas, “NGI” concepts or product-oriented research activities.


The aim of DAPSI is to facilitate citizens’ transfer of data from one service provider to another, in a simpler and more straightforward way, in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This regulation was developed to give individuals better control over their personal data.

Switching from one service provider to another entails significant effort and difficulty for some users. Data processing service providers should develop interoperable formats that allow data portability, as soon as possible.


REACH aims to launch second generation data incubators for start-ups and SMEs in Europe to develop innovative experiments through the use of data value chains.

Large online consumer platforms have demonstrated that data is an asset which translates directly into value, and this value can be multiplied by merging data shared between stakeholders into a single value chain.


The goal of EUHUBS4DATA is to create a federation of reference in Europe for cross-border Big Data experimentation and innovation. It aims to provide a comprehensive pan-European catalogue of data sources and services to foster data-driven innovation at local and regional levels.

The importance and impact that data has on the European economy, industry and society today is unquestionable.


The project seeks to create a European data-driven innovation hub that brings together entrepreneurs, artists and other stakeholders in the media value chain to develop a programme that expands on current models and finds new ways for individuals to engage with quality journalism, scientific education and democratic processes.

There is certainly a challenge in creating new approaches, experiences and information technologies that both entertain and educate at the same time.


DigiFed implements a business plan for the sustainability of the federation of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH), while fostering the uptake of advanced digital technologies by EU SMEs, focusing on non-digital companies to encourage the introduction of digital technologies in their product and service offerings.

DigiFed opens the way to a new era of digitisation of European industry. It aims to bring a new wave of products and services enhanced by digital functionality and fulfilling the needs of society and the market.


NESOI aims to unlock the potential of EU islands to integrate the European Energy Transition. Green energy investments will be made available to an audience of 2,400 inhabited EU islands, providing the opportunity to test innovative energy technologies and approaches in a competitive way.

Funds are available to finance energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. Many islands are engaged in the energy transition; however, most of them do not have the necessary, required experience.


The main objective of the BLOCKCHERS project is to make it easier for blockchain technologies to reach traditional SMEs in Europe by expanding their business models and facilitating collaboration with other companies.

Traditional SMEs need support and knowledge for digitisation to improve their competitiveness by reaching more customers and building their trust. Currently, costs are higher for these companies, because they face more impediments to benefit from economies of scale.


AMable provides support for SMEs and mid-cap companies to adopt additive manufacturing solutions. Including technologies covering all materials, from plastics to polymers and metals, AMable offers services targeting any sector and additive manufacturing challenge. 2.8M€ are distributed as financial support.


The IRSUS (Innovation Radar Support Services) project will support European innovators and companies (research teams, SMEs, spin-offs and start-ups) reach the market by providing free business services to the most promising innovations coming from R&I projects of the different European Framework Programmes. For this purpose, the European Commission’s tool called the “Innovation Radar” will be used.