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Thanks to EDI project, more than 75% of SMEs and startups increased their revenues


EDI (European Data Incubator) is an 8-month incubation programme for big data SMEs and startups in Europe. It is run by 20 partners, each bringing you unique benefits throughout the programme.

What does EDI project allow you to obtain?

  • A dedicated coach from the Deusto Entrepreneurship Centre or ETVenture Startup Hub.
  • A technical infrastructure using FIWARE Lab providing a free Cloud based scalable Big Data tools stack.
  • Training on state-of- the-art Big Data tools by Engineering.
  • Connections with the important European corporates who have lent their data to discuss and improve your product while reaching agreements for future exploitation.
  • Connections with top Big Data startups from all over Europe participating in the programme.
  • Soft-skills and fundraising training by ETVenture Startup Hub, Deusto Entrepreneurship Centre and Zabala Innovation Consulting
  • Major visibility for your start-up as part of the Big Data Value PPP European initiative.

Zabala’s contribution to EDI project

The EDI project, of which ZABALA is one of the five core partners, has ended with great success and the congratulations of the European Commission. From ZABALA Innovation, our contribution has been to lead three calls for Cascade Funding with a budget of more than 5 million euros.

In addition, we have supported 106 SMEs from more than 35 countries to develop new products and services based on data. It has been a complex process from the design of the call to the management of the justification, and there have been many ZABALA actors who have enabled this success, but special mention goes to the areas of administration, communication and finance and legal, which have allowed us to reach a successful conclusion.

Impacts on EDI project

As a result of their EDI journey, companies have experienced a positive impact on three levels:

  • More than 75% of the SMEs/startups managed to increase their revenues
  • Nearly 85% of incubated companies increased their teams
  • More than 200 million euros of additional funding was raised

ZABALA, for its part, continues to support these types of companies through the second-generation REACH data incubator.