EU Budget
European Commission proposes €12.8 billion for Horizon Europe
The EU’s draft budget for 2024 foresees an increase of €400 million for the flagship R&D&I programme
The 2023 edition of the ranking highlights the improved innovation performance of EU Member States despite the recent crises
The Innovation Scoreboard 2023 highlights a substantial improvement in innovation performance of around 8.5% since 2016, confirming the EU’s commitment to fostering innovation culture.
Innovation performance in 25 countries improved over this period, albeit at a slower pace in recent years. And 20 Member States have significantly increased their innovation performance over the past year, while only seven have seen a decline.
Globally, the EU continues to perform slightly better than China and the performance gap with Australia is narrowing, although it has widened with respect to Canada, the Republic of Korea and the United States.
Based on the results, Member States are divided into four performance groups:
Despite undeniable progress, the EU innovation gap persists and is characterised by geographical concentration. While the innovation leaders and most of the major innovators are located in Northern and Western Europe, many of the moderate and emerging innovators are located in Southern and Eastern Europe.
This dividing line highlights the need for targeted efforts to close the innovation gap and foster equitable growth across the EU, which is one of the objectives of the New European Innovation Agenda, which was adopted in July 2022.
Through strategic initiatives, such as the Deep Tech Talent Initiative, the Innovation Talent Platform, and the Regional Innovation Valleys, the EU aims to foster deep tech innovation and promote a start-up culture.
The Innovation Scoreboard has been considered the benchmark since 2001 for analysing the innovation performance of EU countries, the Union’s neighbours, and global competitors.
The Regional Innovation Scoreboard, in addition, provides a comparative assessment of research and innovation performance in 239 regions in 22 EU Member States.
Both scoreboards provide a comprehensive assessment of innovation strengths and weaknesses at the national and regional levels, enabling countries to identify areas for improvement.
EU Budget
The EU’s draft budget for 2024 foresees an increase of €400 million for the flagship R&D&I programme
Artificial intelligence
Daniel Errea
With this document, written by our colleague Guillermo Dorronsoro, we want to offer you a guide to carry out an innovation strategy in your company
We are experts in European funding programmes, which provide the opportunity to finance the development and market access of your company's innovative projects.
We can help you with cascading funding, an EC mechanism that distributes public funding to help SMEs develop digital innovation.
The expertise gained working with different EU programmes over the past decades has made Zabala Innovation the best partner to manage your European project.