“Our customers are diversifying their transport strategy”
We interviewed Sergio Úbeda, leader of Zabala Innovation's Transport Area
2019 is a new milestone for ZABALA in energy, building upon a strong reputation and experience acquired in the ETP Smartgrids and ETIP SNET as well as many other EU projects, ZABALA is taking part in 3 new energy projects: Hydropower Europe, Smartspend and Batteries Europe.
Since the launch of the ETP Smargrids back in 2006, ZABALA has been strongly involved in the energy sector, particularly helping experts from the grid define research priorities to allow the integration of renewable energies to the grid. Since then the ETP Smartgrids has transformed into the ETIP SNET in 2016 and is looking at the integration of all energy networks: electricity, heat, gas, transport to allow our energy system to fully decarbonise by 2050.
2019 is a new milestones for ZABALA in energy, strong of its experience acquired in the ETP Smartgrids and ETIP SNET as well as many other EU projects, ZABALA is taking part to 3 new ones:
Hydropower Europe, this new CSA started in November and which will last for 3 years aims at gathering the European Hydropower Research and Industry communities in order to speak of one voice and define together the future roadmap and research agendas of the sector ahead of the upcoming Horizon Europe programme.
SMARTSPEND is another coordination action that has started in December and which aims at gathering ETIPs (European Technology and Innovation Platforms) as well as PPPs (Public Private Partnerships) and European initiatives in the energy sector. The purpose is to look at funding strategies to help the European industry achieve the SET Plan (Strategic Energy Technology Plan) objectives. ZABALA comes as expert on public and private funding as well as interlocutor for the ETIP SNET.
BATTERIES Europe, the new ETIP on Batteries was announced this week by Dominique Ristori, Directorate General at the EC DG ENER, at the European Industry Days. The purpose will be similar to ETIP SNET and Hydropower Europe: help the Batteries sector stakeholders around Europe from research and industry but also member states to define a strong research and innovation strategy to uptake the challenges of the massive development of decentralised renewables and the deployment of electrical vehicles. ZABALA brings its expertise in this project in the management of European technology platforms as well as communication.
With these 3 new projects ZABALA becomes a key recognised player in the energy sector as regards: European funding instruments, technology platform manager and excellent communication and networking expert able to build bridges among various communities: industry, research and European funding institutions.
We interviewed Sergio Úbeda, leader of Zabala Innovation's Transport Area
Paola Votta
Third Countries Knowledge Area Leader
European programmes
We have gathered the most relevant European Programmes calls for proposals in a calendar, available for download!
Zabala Innovation assists private and public players in their search for and acquisition of public funding and has developed a methodology for accompanying and supporting national and European project coordinators.
Europe offers many opportunities to support and foster Research, Development and Innovation actions. Competition is high and being well positioned among stakeholders active in each sector requires a well thought-out plan of action and an active way of promoting visibility in Brussels.
We provide advice to activities that encourage innovation, aimed at promoting the development of new innovative markets from the demand side, through public procurement.