Circular economy is not just about recycling

Xabier Sevillano
Senior Consultant in European Projects and LIFE Programme Expert
We continue with France the series of weekly articles entitled 'How do European countries channel NEXT GENERATION EU opportunities?' Written by Daniel García, director of the offices in Extremadura and Andalusia (Spain) and expert in European innovation programmes.
Head of Seville office
On the 25th of March, KAILA, our innovation tool, available free of charge to anyone interested, published the e-book “Horizon 2020 Key figures,” which reviews the 7 years of the Horizon 2020 programme. The e-book provides the key figures of the programme, giving an overview of its results and taking stock of various aspects of interest, such as the distribution of funding, the most active and successful countries in the programme, and the companies and projects that have obtained the most funding.
As we look forward to the official launch of the new period (2021- 2027) with Horizon Europe at the forefront, we have also taken the opportunity to take stock of our activity and success during the 7 years of the previous period (2014-2020). Looking back, we can only be proud of the work we have accomplished and, most importantly, of the success we have achieved for our clients. We are delighted to share the most significant results of our hard work over the past 7 years:
– More than 1000 European project proposals submitted for our clients in all types of European programmes.
– 334 proposals approved, with over 720 million euros in grant funding obtained for our clients. This represents around 1% of the total funding distributed across Europe in the programming period.
– An average success rate of 33%, three times the European average, and with knowledge areas and/or programmes/calls that stand out even more (such as +50% success rate in Energy related programmes and LIFE+).
– We have succeeded in funding projects in almost all the programmes of the period: Horizon 2020 (in all its sectors), LIFE+, CEF, COSME, INTERREG, ERASMUS+, PRIMA, Eurostars, various JTIs, KICs… In some programmes, our activity has stood out at European level. Some examples of this are the following:
We have also been actively working on our own projects, with the approval of 6 new projects that we coordinate and another 47, in which we participate as partners, thanks to which ZABALA has become the 1st SME and the 4th Spanish entity in terms of funding obtained. Some projects also allow us to position ourselves as leaders of strategic initiatives at a European level, such as in the energy sector, where we lead the ETIP SNET, BRIDGE, Batteries Europe and Hydropower initiatives.
These results help us look forward with great optimism to the next programming period, for which we have been preparing with great care: our teams of consultants have been significantly reinforced, and we have improved and fine-tuned our methodologies and expertise. We are impatient for the new calls to be officially published, which should take pace in the coming weeks. We are already working with our clients on new project ideas, since we know that time will be very valuable in 2021, which will be full of call deadlines after July 2021.
Seville Office
Head of Seville office
Xabier Sevillano
Senior Consultant in European Projects and LIFE Programme Expert
Adrián Rivas
Mariana Sousa
Innovation consultant and batteries expert – EU projects
The interactive online event, to be held on the 30th of September, will gather speakers from investment institutes, European and national institutions, funding programme managers and clean energy innovators.
10th Framework Programme
Susana Garayoa
Head of Institutional Relations in Brussels
In this downloadable document, you can explore the specific calls dedicated to this theme from programs like LIFE, Horizon Europe, and the Innovation Fund
The important thing is not to keep moving, but rather to know in which direction to go. Our 37% success rate proves that we know how to guide our clients.