A comprehensive vision for innovation, competitiveness and health in Europe

Daniel García
Head of Seville office
Daniel García Sevilla has a degree in Biology from the University of Seville and a degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology from UNED. He has more than 11 years of experience in R&D&I project management, elaborating and managing proposals for large national companies, as well as 6 years of experience in the execution of research projects in the academic sector. During this period, he has carried out more than 100 diagnostics and evaluation of opportunities for public and private entities, both through direct contracting and as part of diagnostic projects contracted by public administrations. The sectors for which he has carried out these activities are industry, bio-health, aerospace, environment, ICT, smart cities and energy. He is the director of Zabala Innovation’s office in Sevilla, since 2010, where he manages a team of 9 people. He is also an expert in SME internationalisation (EIO) and multilateral tenders (EXTENDA) and has experience in innovation management, quality and systems implementation. He also collaborates regularly with industry associations such as AMETIC or ETICOM. He has been an expert in the area of Environmental and Industrial Technologies in the Specialisation Strategy of Andalusia (RIS3) and is approved as a teacher at the EOI. He is also a member of the European platform of PM2. Previous work includes consultancy services for the implementation of various activities aimed at improving the participation and success rate of the University of Malaga in European projects in the thematic areas of Smart Cities, Aerospace and Biosanitary, as well as for AndaluciaTech in 2014, or the development of INNVEINTE innovation diagnostics for Andalusian companies for BANKIA (2017-2019). Finally, it is worth mentioning his participation in the European project, CartujaQanat (UIA Seville).
Daniel García
Head of Seville office
Daniel García
Head of Seville office
Daniel García
Head of Seville office
Pamplona Office
Senior Consultant in European Projects and leader in the European Project Management Area.