FIWARE FINODEX (Future Internet Open Data Expansion) is a European business incubator and accelerator.
Creation of an IHL federation for large-scale adoption of digital technologies for European SMEs
Project dates
Role of Zabala
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M€ budget
DigiFed implements a business plan for the sustainability of the federation of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH), while fostering the adoption of advanced digital technologies by EU SMEs, focusing on non-digital businesses to encourage the introduction of digital technologies into their product and service offers.
DigiFed paves the way for a new era of digitisation of European industry. It aims to bring a new wave of products and services enhanced by digital functionality and responding to societal and market needs. Providing “value” represents the main outcome of DigiFed: value for SMEs (providing resilience through digital transformation and collaboration across the EU), value for their customers (enhancing the product or service through code design, co-development or customisation), value for Europe and the regions (through the creation of new jobs and growth opportunities).
DigiFed targets SMEs with different level of digital maturity and offers them the ability to catch up and upgrade their existing skills and products with specific services, tools and solutions. For SMEs with higher digital maturity, it offers greater integration of innovative technologies. DigiFed experiments with cross-border innovation schemes across existing and emerging IHLs across Europe. To achieve these objectives, the project will learn from the success of projects such as those supported by Smart Anything Everywhere (SAE) and ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs (I4MS) and develops new synergies within the value chain and funding from public and private stakeholders.
DigiFed expects to attract a significant number of new advanced ICT users in the manufacturing sector, and more innovative technology providers, SMEs and medium-sized enterprises. In addition, the creation of a sustainable IHL network is expected, providing European added value to the investments made at national and regional level in IHL. Finally, DigiFed expects to provide IHL services throughout Europe and its regions with strong industrial capabilities.
This project has been financed by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme, under grant agreement No. 872088.
“DigiFed implements a business plan for the sustainability of the federation of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH), while fostering the adoption of advanced digital technologies by EU SMEs, focusing on non-digital businesses to encourage the introduction of digital technologies into their product and service offers”
Maria Laura Trifiletti
Senior Consultant
FIWARE FINODEX (Future Internet Open Data Expansion) is a European business incubator and accelerator.
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