Funding is available for procurements in the areas of health, security, energy, transport, satellite and research infrastructures.
Through innovation procurement the public sector can drive innovation from the demand side. This enables the public sector to modernize public services faster while creating opportunities for companies in Europe to bring research results to the market and gain leadership in new markets.
Horizon 2020 supports two complementary types of innovation procurement: Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) addresses the development and testing of innovative solutions, Public Procurement of Innovative solutions (PPI) focuses on the deployment of innovative solutions. Examples of ongoing PCP and PPI projects.
Check out the new calls with submission deadlines in 2020:
PCP actions (co-finance at max 90% the actual purchase of R&D to get new innovative solutions developed and tested, plus at 90+25% related coordination and networking costs)
- Digital health & care: 9 M€ (DTH-14), call deadline 22 April 2020
- Integrated care*: (BHC-20A), call deadline 7 April 2020
- 100% renewable energy:15 M€ (LC-SC3-RES-10), call deadline 26 March 2020
- Satellite: 3 M€ (EGNSS-5), call deadline 5 March 2020
- Security: 24 M€ (SU-GM02), call deadline 27 August 2020
- Research infra: 30 M€ (here the PCP is part of an R&I action), call deadline 17 March 2020
PPI actions (co-finance at max 35% the actual purchase of innovative solutions, plus at 35+25% related coordination and networking costs)
- Diagnostics*: (BHC-20B) (indicate budget for BHC-20 A&B together: 25 M€), call deadline 7 April 2020
CSA actions (co-finance at max 100%+25% the coordination and networking costs to prepare future PCP or PPI actions)
- Security: 7 M€ (SU-GM01), call deadline 27 August 2020
- Transport:: 1,5 M€ (MG-3-8) and 4 M€ (LC-MG-1-12), call deadline 21 April 2020
Note that in PCP actions, procurers implement one joint PCP procurement. For PPI actions proposers can choose between implementing one joint PPI procurement or several separate but coordinated PPI procurements.
More info on EU funding for innovation procurement: different types of funding available, how to prepare a proposal, possible synergies with ESIF funding, answers to FAQs etc. Check out also the page on innovation procurement in the H2020 online manual: is my organisation considered a public procurer, where can I find support to prepare a proposal etc
Looking for potential partners? Check out this list of key ICT procurers across all EU Member States in 10 different public sector domains.
To help procurers in H2020 funded PCPs and PPIs, the EC has published (last update October 2017) Guidance for PCP tender documents and Guidance for PPI tender documents: These guidance documents include templates for OJEU notices to announce the open market consultation, to launch the call for tender and to announce the winning bidders. There is also a template for the request for tenders (for PCPs this also includes a Framework Agreement covering the whole PCP and specific contracts for each PCP phase).