The main objective of BeFlexible is to increase the flexibility of the energy system, improve cooperation between Distribution System Operators...
An EU-Canada research cooperation action to develop a climate positive and cost-efficient forest-based biomass-to-biopower supply chain
Project dates
Role of Zabala
Project led by
5,6 M€
Total budget
Despite ongoing research efforts, harvesting, quality and cost of forest biomass remains a significant challenge for the bioenergy sector due to the lack of accurate volume estimations, minimal operational experience of practitioners, challenging economics and a lack of transparency in the supply chain. In addition, Conventional technologies for power production from biomass (biopower) suffer from low electricity efficiencies. Europe and Canada need improved technologies that are more cost-efficient and open the possibility for carbon capture and storage.
Based on a EU Biomass Atlas, EUCANWin! will build a prototype Forest Biomass Atlas to be applied across Canada, enabling a more accurate evaluation of forest biomass resources and will develop and test an On-Board Intelligent Biomass Analyser. Partners will analyse the feasibility of tree-length harvesting in Nordic conditions. The project will also develop and validate the Biomass fired Top Cycle (BTC) concept that integrates the gasification of biomass residues with a novel steam-injected gas turbine (Top Cycle), will quantify the CO2 capture cost for the conditions in the BTC process.
Eucanwin! Will Strengthen the European and Canadian technology base and accelerate the development of sustainable fuels to replace fossil fuel alternatives, increase the viability of advanced biofuels and bioenergy in the EU and Canada and create new market opportunities, reduce the environmental impact of energy production and Contribute to Mission Innovation, a global initiative to catalyse action and investment in research.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research And Innovation programme under Grant Agreement Nº 101120660
“Bioenergy will play a key role in the energy mix, as one of the few renewables that is not intermittent, but further work is needed on sustainable resource assessment and cost-effective mobilisation.”
Izaskun De Allende
Expert consultant in the area of Social Innovation
The main objective of BeFlexible is to increase the flexibility of the energy system, improve cooperation between Distribution System Operators...
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Javier Lahuerta
European Projects Consultant
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