Internal Security Fund
Innovative operational tools and training to strengthen European internal security

Filippo Giacinti
Consultant and security expert
Consultant and security expert
Brussels OfficeFilippo Giacinti joined Zabala Innovation in 2023 where he works in the Security, Defence and Aerospace Knowledge Area. His tasks include proposals writing, projects implementation, innovation-management, and exploitation activities. Before joining Zabala Innovation, he has worked two years as a Project Officer at the European Organisation for Security (EOS), contributing to the proposal and implementation phase of several H2020 projects in the areas of crisis management (e.g. LINKS), critical infrastructure protection (e.g. SAFECARE), and protection of public spaces (e.g. Secu4All).
Filippo also completed a Blue Book traineeship at the European Commission’s Directorate General for Defence Industry and Space (DG DEFIS), where he contributed to the analysis of national space legislations at EU level, the development of the EU Space Surveillance and Tracking (SST) communication plan, and the organisation of the 2nd and 3rd meeting of the EU Industry and Start-ups Forum on Space Traffic Management (STM).