Electromobility may limit the energy crisis’ impact, but could the grid deal with its increase?
Experts from the ETIP SNET, CIGRE and IEA will go through this topic during a Panel at the CIGRE Paris Session
Today we present the fifth chapter of the video series featuring our knowledge area leaders. Margherita Volpe leads the Security and Space area at ZABALA, where they help people navigate and access the best funding opportunities
Margherita Volpe leads ZABALA Innovation’s Security and Space area, where, together with her entire team, she helps different organisations understand that their sectors, security and space, are not simply niche sectors, but cut across all industries.
Her daily work is to help organisations navigate and access existing funding opportunities to promote societal safety, security and resilience, as well as to encourage the adoption of satellite technologies in specific applications.
Security and space are cross-cutting areas, as security involves the protection of infrastructures that enable movement between countries, the use of energy and communication between people, while facilitating the design of new products and services capable of guaranteeing a high level of privacy, security and protection of each individual. In the same way, satellite technologies serve to enable new services such as positioning systems or automatic alerts based on satellite image analysis and new space-based communications.
Stay tuned for our next chapters! In the next one, you will be able to meet Juan Cristóbal García, leader of the Industry and Digital area of ZABALA Innovation.
Experts from the ETIP SNET, CIGRE and IEA will go through this topic during a Panel at the CIGRE Paris Session
Chapter #5. Security and Space area
LIFE 2021-2027
Don't miss the changes in administrative and financial management that have taken place in LIFE, the most important European environmental programme
We can help you with cascading funding, an EC mechanism that distributes public funding to help SMEs develop digital innovation.
We are experts in European funding programmes, which provide the opportunity to finance the development and market access of your company's innovative projects.
We collaborate with public administrations to promote innovation and assist companies in integrating innovation into their overall strategy.