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LIFE 2021

CINEA publishes the list of priorities for the LIFE programme for the period 2021-2024


The LIFE programme has increased the budget of its calls for proposals and clean energy is its firm commitment. As our expert on the programme, Igor Idareta, commented a few months ago: “LIFE is the only EU financial instrument that is 100% dedicated to the environment. It is one of the 15 EU flagship programmes that will be at the heart of all EU policies under the European Green Pact in the upcoming years”

CINEA (European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency) has published on its website the general priorities of the LIFE Programme for the period 2021-2024. It also includes a summary of the topics, types of projects and examples. From ZABALA Innovation we especially encourage you to review the examples that are indicated since, as we recalled in the last LIFE Webinar that we offered in July, through the success stories you can extract good practices to apply in new proposals.

‘Frequently Asked Questions’

It is worth remembering that on 8 and 9 September CINEA has organised a question and answer session that we will attend, in which it will be possible to expand on those questions already covered in the document ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ on the Cinea website.

Sub-programme 1: nature and biodiversity

  • Supporting the objectives set out in the EU Birds and Habitats Directives and the Invasive Alien Species Regulation.
  • Contributing to the targets of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2030 for a Trans-European Nature Network and the EU Restoration Plan.

Also, there are two areas of intervention:

  • Space for nature: area-based conservation and restoration measures.
  • Safeguarding our species: measures targeting specific species.

See project examples here.

Sub-programme 2: circular economy and quality of life

  • Recovery of resources from waste: innovative solutions for value-added recycled materials, components, or products.
  • Circular economy and the environment: supporting value chains set out in the EU Circular Economy Action Plan.
  • Air: helping to implement air quality legislation and addressing urban, industrial, and rural environmental problems.
  • Water: improving water quality and quantity as well as marine and coastal water management. Innovative technologies and tools for drinking water and urban wastewater treatment systems.
  • Soil: protecting the quality of EU’s soil.
  • Noise: reducing noise inside densely populated urban areas.
  • Chemicals: lessening the impact of hazardous substances on the environment or human health.
  • Environmental governance: supporting public administrations’ decision-making and voluntary approaches, assuring environmental compliance and access to justice, promoting behavioural change and awareness-raising.

See project examples here.

Sub-programme 3: climate mitigation and adaptation

  • Climate change mitigation: reducing fluorinated greenhouse gases, enhancing the functioning of the Emissions Trading System, managing land and sea better to reduce emissions, enhancing natural carbon sinks.
  • Climate change adaptation: implementing adaptation plans, developing state of the art adaptation tools, climate-proofing, preparing cities and regions for climate change and extreme weather events.
  • Climate governance and information: supporting the European Climate PactSearch, encouraging behavioural change, raising awareness, monitoring greenhouse gas emissions, analysing climate policy.

See project examples here.

Sub-programme: clean energy transition

  • Building a national, regional and local policy framework that supports the clean energy transition.
  • Accelerating technology roll-out, digitalisation, new services and business models as well as improving skills.
  • Attracting private finance for sustainable energy projects.
  • Supporting local and regional investment projects.
  • Involving and empowering citizens in the clean energy transition.

See project examples here.


Do you have an idea in mind but need advice on how to make your project a success? We can help you, tell us your idea.


Full article here: “LIFE programme priority topics: 2021 – 2024” by CINEA