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KAILA competing at The EU Regions Hackathon

The challenge of The EU Regions Hackathon #Ideas4EU was to ‘Get closer to citizens’. The goal of the competition was to create a new insight, business model or business concept through open data in order to engage with EU citizens. To participate in the competition, the participants had to meet the main condition. In more detail, there had to be a combination of at least one domain (events, projects, funding, etc.) from the REGIO website with at least one dataset on the ESIF Open Data Portal, European Data Portal, EU Open Data Portal, Eurostat website, Europa portal, Copernicus website, Galileo website, Interoperability solutions website, Building blocks Page or any other dataset (open or not).

The criteria for success were as follows:

  • Bring fresh ideas to the table & have the capacity to make them come to reality,
  • Possess solid knowledge about IT development, and open data,
  • Deliver web or mobile solutions with an impact throughout the entire European Union.

A new, original mobile or web application, visualisation or demonstration of applying data science by linking datasets for generating new insights and engagement should address a need or problem of free choice and present its relevance in context.

Our colleagues Miguel García and Iván Pajares presented the KAILA on the stage during the ceremony as well as in the info booth throughout the #EUregionsweek. KAILA.eu is an online platform which discovers technologies, innovations, organizations and funding opportunities. It provides tools supporting innovation processes for analytics, recommendations, data visualization and a community to connect with innovators online.

Find more information about KAILA on Twitter @Kaila_EU