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Save the date for the European Research and Innovation Days 2021


The European Research and Innovation Days, RiDaysEU, connects policy-makers, researchers, entrepreneurs and the public to discuss the future of research and innovation in Europe and beyond. The event is collaboration-oriented – it unites individuals and experts from all fields to build connections and envision a better future.

The European Research and Innovation Days is a great opportunity to hear the voices of stakeholders and contribute to the conversation.

The year 2021 marks the start of Horizon Europe, the most ambitious research and innovation programme ever launched by the EU. This year will also be a decisive moment for strengthening the European Research Area.

Cooperation in research and innovation is essential for recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, paving the way for a greener and more digital future. The event will take place in an online format on 23-24 June 2021.

European Research and Innovation Days, RiDaysEU

Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth said: ”The 2021 edition of the European Research and Innovation Days could not have come at a more important time.

Together, we can recover from the coronavirus pandemic and ensure a green and digital future for everyone. Join the conversation on 23 and 24 June and share your thoughts on how Horizon Europe and the European Research Area can help us to reach these goals.”