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Zabala Innovation will support iNNpulsa in Colombia in the transfer of good practices of public support for innovation


The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) trusts Zabala Innovation as a consultancy that aims to transfer good practices to promote innovation and entrepreneurship in Colombia.

The objective of the consultancy is to increase the capacities to design, manage and evaluate public instruments to support the science, technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship (STI&E) of iNNpulsa, the country’s entrepreneurship and innovation agency.

In this context, Zabala Innovation seeks to strengthen iNNpulsa through the transfer of new capacities to design, implement, monitor, and evaluate public STI&E support programmes, based on international best practices as shown in three different countries: Spain’s Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI), Chile’s Production Development Corporation (CORFO) or Costa Rica’s Ministry of Science, Innovation, Technology and Telecommunications (MICITT), among others.


Zabala Innovation Consulting Services

A team of consultants from Zabala Innovation, with expert knowledge of international STI ecosystems and STI and entrepreneurship policies, are already working with the designated units of iNNpulsa in the identification and systematisation of international good practices that promote innovation and entrepreneurship in areas as diverse as:

  • The promotion of innovation and entrepreneurship in economic environments with a low level of development.
  • The consolidation of business angel networks and alternative financing (crowdfunding) to promote entrepreneurship.
  • Training in management skills for entrepreneurship.
  • The promotion of innovation in the bioeconomy.
  • The promotion of partially repayable loans for business R&D.

Entrepreneurship promotion

Another fundamental part of the Consultancy requires the in-depth analysis of the Instruments that iNNNpulsa already has in place to promote innovation and entrepreneurship to identify needs and propose points for improvement. Based on the conclusions obtained in the previous activities, Zabala Innovation will design and implement a training plan aimed at iNNNpulsa’s people responsible for promoting STI&E instruments. The objective is to strengthen their capacities in design, management, and evaluation, and achieve the desired positive impact on the Colombian innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem

This is a great opportunity for Zabala Innovation to continue working and supporting the development of innovation in Third Countries.