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Calls to fight against Climate Change

Climate change, at the intersection of science, politics, and public awareness, has emerged as a defining challenge of our time. What began decades ago as a marginal note in scientific reports has evolved into a global wake-up call, an alarm that resonates in every corner of our planet.

The European Union has set binding targets for 2030, including a reduction of at least 55% in greenhouse gas emissions compared to 1990 levels, a commitment that at least 32% of energy consumption comes from renewable sources, and an indicative improvement of at least 32.5% in energy efficiency.

At Zabala Innovation, to remain aligned with these objectives and to facilitate the development of innovative projects, we have compiled in this document the active calls from programs like LIFE, Horizon Europe, or the Innovation Fund. Additionally, there are many other more specific calls such as INTERREG, FEDER, ESIF, and more.

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