Amaia Brugos
Senior Consultant in Spanish National Projects and expert in "Next Generation EU"
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Amaia Brugos is a graduate in Industrial Engineering, MBA-E and Master in Design and Management of Technological Projects. She has more than 13 years of experience in innovation management, preparing and managing proposals for large companies and SMEs in R&D&I projects and all kinds of investment and tax incentives.
Since she started at Zabala Innovation, she has participated in the definition and management of R&D&I projects, as well as in the definition of the strategy and planning of proposals for her clients.
In addition, Amaia Brugos is responsible for the audit processes for quality management and also participates in the audit processes for internal R&D&I management.
Given her specialisation in R&D&I projects and management systems, she can be considered an expert in materials technologies, automation, automotive, energy, electronics, manufacturing processes and digitalisation towards Industry 4.0.