Felipe López, as director of Zabala Innovation’s headquarters in Catalonia, has more than 10 years of experience in promoting R&D&I activities among all actors of the Spanish innovation ecosystem. He has participated in assisting more than 60 industrial companies in the management, coordination and monitoring of technological innovation projects successfully submitted to industrial and technological policy authorities at national, regional and European level (in the last 10 years: FP7, ECSEL-JTI (formerly ARTEMIS), CEF-Transport (formerly TEN-T) DG MOVE, H2020, Iberoeka and Eureka). He has led and coordinated the Catalan team of the “Plan to stimulate Eureka R&D projects in Spanish SMEs that have no experience in international RTD cooperation projects” (2010-2013) promoted by CDTI in Spain. He also participated as project leader in “Assessment for the internationalisation of R&D projects in Catalonia,” for ACC1Ó (Generalitat de Catalunya), and studies commissioned by different public administrations, such as Impact Assessment of FP6 (Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Government of Spain) Regional Innovation Monitor (Catalonia), RIS3-DGRegio (EU) and has spoken in several seminars, such as “Business Innovation Management: developments and challenges.”