DigiFed implements a business plan for the sustainability of the federation of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH), while fostering the adoption of advanced digital technologies by EU SMEs, focusing on non-digital businesses to encourage the introduction of digital technologies into their product and service offers. DigiFed project will have a dedicated area where some of the most successful companies whose projects were supported through DigiFed’s open calls will showcase their unique inventions. On the third day of the Congress (12th May), some DigiFed expositors will take part in a pitching event and networking session.
Our section will be in Grand Via, Hall P4, Level 0, Street E, Stand 521. Joining us will be a great occasion to get to know more about the DigiFed project, in which we are partners, and discover the most successful and innovative inventions its contribution and support made possible to realise, other than visiting the IOT Solutions World Congress.
About the results, DigiFed expects to attract a significant number of new advanced ICT users in the manufacturing sector, and more innovative technology providers, SMEs and medium-sized enterprises. In addition, the creation of a sustainable IHL network is expected, providing European added value to the investments made at national and regional level in IHL. Finally, DigiFed expects to provide IHL services throughout Europe and its regions with strong industrial capabilities.