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EUHubs4Data open call results: 93 proposals submitted from 22 different countries


The EU- funded project “European Federation of Data Driven Innovation Hubs” has announced the results of its first open call for experiments, aimed at supporting SMEs and start-ups in their data-driven innovation journey by financing their cross-border experiments that include EUHubs4Data datasets and services. The EUHubs4Data open call received 159 applicants that opened the application form. Finally, 93 proposals were submitted, and 89 proposals were eligible.

The cross-border data-driven innovation experiments selected to be financed by this first open call, which was closed on the 8th of February 2021, will start in May and will have a duration of 9 months.

The country that most proposals submitted was Spain (29), followed by Italy (18) and Germany (6). In total, EUHubs4Data received proposals from 22 different countries.

The applicants mainly found out about the EUHubs4Data open call through the dissemination actions. The project launched an open call dissemination campaign through the project website, social media (Twitter and LinkedIn), events, etc. that served to engage with 58% of the applicants. The rest of the interested SMEs got to know the open call through a project partner.

Regarding the Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) that offered services, there were 11 DIHs and all of them have been selected by an applicant. Most proposals involved 2 DIHs and 2 given services.

Benefits for the SMEs selected in the open call

EUHubs4Data aims to support companies on their way to digitisation by bringing them closer to all smart data-driven technologies. The total call budget in this fist open call was of 600.000 €.

The Open Call provided for each beneficiary:

  • Access to the latest developments on Data Analytics and advanced assets on Big Data
  • Technical & business coaching and continuous follow-up support by Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) valued up to €70k per experiment
  • €60k financial support
  • Visibility and promotion
  • An exploitation plan

The EUHubs4Data project has allocated, for its three-year duration, €5.8 million to support third parties to undertake a set of cross-border data-driven experiments. So, if you missed this first call, there will be two more rounds of open calls.

Stay tuned to the official EUHD channels to find out about the second call which will start at the end of 2021.