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NESOI invites you to the 1st ever webinar about capacity building on EU islands

The European Islands Facility NESOI, supports the EU islands energy transition process, facilitating the decentralization of energy systems and contributing to EU policy in achieving 2030 climate targets. To reach NESOI’s objectives our first action has been to design and broadly distribute a survey towards European islands, to understand and identify islands’ energy challenges, projects readiness and assistance requirements to finetune NESOI’s Technical Assistance solutions.

Taking place between 11.00 am – 12.00 pm, this 60 minutes, dynamic, time-boxed webinar, will offer the opportunity to gain useful insights drawn from the survey results such as the current status on energy transition projects across EU Islands and how this information helps us better target NESOI’s resources; Stories about projects sent by the islands having answered to the NESOI survey allowing other islands (Survey Respondents) to identify the gaps in their planning and; Concrete energy project metadata analysis (that are helping us identify the type of projects currently in development, common barriers encountered by the islands and their financial needs).

To register please click on this link.

Webinar Agenda

  • A brief introduction to the NESOI facility
  • Numbers and stories (NESOI survey’s results)
  • NESOI Technical Assistance and funding mechanism
  • What are the eligibility criteria to benefit from NESOI’s specific project structuring Technical Assistance?
  • Wrap-up and Q&A