Data Market Services Accelerator opens its 2nd call to boost the European Data start-up ecosystem
50 European data-centric SMEs and Start-ups will be selected to enjoy this support and accelerate their businesses
SDGs 6th anniversary
On the 6th anniversary of the publication of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), ZABALA Innovation claims its responsibility towards them
ZABALA Innovation has been committed to the 2030 Agenda and sustainable development since joining the Global Compact in 2016. Since then, we publish a progress report every year where the alignment of its activity with the SDGs can be appreciated, with innovation being the main axis of its contribution to sustainability (SDG 9).
We are now facing the Decade of Action, which calls for accelerating sustainable solutions to the world’s key challenges. We also believe that business has a key role to play in addressing the world’s key challenges and delivering on the 2030 Agenda.
As one of the 840 signatory companies of the Global Compact, ZABALA applies the 10 guiding principles on human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption. Furthermore, since the entry into force of the SDGs, at ZABALA we have integrated these goals into our business model to contribute to the achievement of these global challenges through our daily activities.
Our purpose is summarized in ‘Together, Innovation Works’, because we believe that by working together we make innovation work, because we believe that if it is generated from collaboration it has an innovative effect.
We help our clients and other agents in the environment to develop new tools, technologies, processes, etc. to build an economic activity that respects the environment and contributes value to society. We understand that, in a context with global and complex challenges, innovation is an essential axis to build a more sustainable society at an environmental, economic, and social level.
The dynamizing role of innovation that we work with in ZABALA is achieved through collaboration with the entire value chain (suppliers, customers, employees, and society in general).
However, to advance on the road to sustainability, we have also divided our sustainability strategy into three interconnected pillars: good governance, people, and the planet.
At ZABALA we are aware of the value provided by people, who guarantee the excellence of our activity and allow us to continue growing as an organization and as an active agent in society. In this section, we consider not only the people with whom we have a formal relationship, members of our staff, but also our value chain as a whole.
At ZABALA we have been committed for many years to the creation of an egalitarian labour market that offers the same opportunities to men and women, focusing on the value that each person can contribute. Gender equality is now a cross-cutting principle in all sectors and areas of society, and therefore, ZABALA aims to work to build and maintain an egalitarian work environment. In fact, currently, more than 56% of the people who make up our staff are women, some of them occupying positions of responsibility in the organization with presence in international scientific projects, where normally the greatest presence is male.
At ZABALA we aim to generate a positive impact on the people who interact with the organization by promoting sustainable growth that offers growth opportunities and quality working conditions. Therefore, generating and maintaining jobs is one of its objectives, which includes the jobs generated directly and the value provided to its suppliers and customers.
Transformation and innovation in society and the promotion of the Sustainable Development Goals require partnerships between governments, the private sector and civil society. That is why we are part of the United Nations Global Compact, an initiative that promotes the implementation of the 10 universally accepted principles to promote Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the areas of human rights and business, labour standards, environment and anti-corruption in the activities and business strategy of companies.
ZABALA has a clear commitment to environmental protection and climate change mitigation measures that we try to comply with through office management protocols, the use of electric vehicles and supporting initiatives committed to the environment. Since 2015, we have been implementing an Environmental Action Plan at all sites, which is reviewed and improved every year, and with which we monitor our resource consumption.
In January 2016, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) came into force, the most ambitious action plan for people, the planet and prosperity until 2030. The SDGs represent one of the greatest opportunities for the economy in the coming years, potentially adding $12 trillion to global GDP.
The Global Compact, as the UN’s private sector corporate sustainability initiative, is a catalyst for the efforts of companies and organizations to achieve the SDGs. It is the largest corporate sustainability initiative in the world and has:
The Global Compact has ten principles derived from United Nations declarations on human rights, labour standards, the environment and anti-corruption, and enjoys universal consensus.
In addition, companies must work in four main areas of focus to ensure that their operations are developed in ways that benefit economies and societies around the world.
The Spanish Global Compact Network plays a fundamental role in the implementation of the Ten Principles and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to contribute to sustainable development. It can be summarized, broadly speaking, in 3 key aspects:
50 European data-centric SMEs and Start-ups will be selected to enjoy this support and accelerate their businesses
Damián Muruzábal
Food and Bioeconomy Knowledge Area Leader
LIFE 2021-2027
Thanks to our Kaila platform, we have prepared this quick guide with tips for your LIFE proposal and a calendar so you don't miss any key dates
We provide advice to activities that encourage innovation, aimed at promoting the development of new innovative markets from the demand side, through public procurement.
We guide companies through the implementation of adequate innovation strategies, which allows them to tackle any transformation challenge in a coordinated and effective manner, from an integrated perspective.
Europe offers many opportunities to support and foster Research, Development and Innovation actions. Competition is high and being well positioned among stakeholders active in each sector requires a well thought-out plan of action and an active way of promoting visibility in Brussels.