Horizon Europe
Horizon Europe work programme for 2021-2022 for a healthier, greener and more digital Europe
Horizon Europe has launched its next phase, which will run through 2021 and 2022, with a budget of €14.7 billion.
At Zabala Innovation we are supporting the solidarity projects of fifteen social entities with 15,000 euros in 2022
These are stories and solidarity projects that move our hearts. Like the reunification of a family after one of its members fled from Taliban intolerance in Afghanistan, raising awareness about degenerative diseases with no cure or the fight for animal and environmental welfare, among other examples.
Actions that can change the lives of many people, to which Zabala Innovation humbly contributes. For years, this family company has been implementing the social action ‘Internal calls for support for solidarity and sustainable projects’ among its professionals, so that they can propose different social causes. The most voted ones receive a financial donation from the management: in 2022, 31 entities were presented, and after the votes of the staff, fifteen solidarity projects were finally chosen and received a contribution of 15,000 euros. Research, social inclusion, sustainability, social welfare… these are the cornerstones of this commendable solidarity work that you can make visible through this video that we have prepared above.
The Breast and/or Gynaecological Cancer Association of Bizkaia (ACAMBI) offers services as diverse as legal advice, physiotherapy, psychological care, the loan of wigs, support prostheses… With our company’s contribution, ACAMBI will promote physical exercise for its members with yoga and Nordic walking classes, which are very beneficial for those affected by breast cancer.
Children and young people with difficulties related to functional neurodiversity and/or neurological hypersensitivity are the focus of ANAIF, the Navarre Association for Childhood and Family Support. Through their work, they seek to support the families of these young people and the specialists who treat them, as well as carrying out activities that promote their emotional competence and autonomy. Zabala Innovation’s financial donation will be used to organise a therapeutic camp for girls, boys and young people with socio-functional neurodiversity in July 2023.
It is a degenerative disease for which there are no curative treatments, but which has the support of many people who are aware of it and who support research. Lateral sclerosis is the raison d’être of the Navarre Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association(ANELA), the centre that provides support in Navarre for people suffering from this muscular atrophy and their families. With Zabala Innovation’s help, they will be able to purchase two respiratory physiotherapy devices for their members and continue their awareness-raising work.
The Navarre Association for people with intellectual disabilities or developmental disorders and their families (ANFAS) fights every day to improve the quality of life of its members and their families and achieve their full social inclusion. To achieve this, their volunteer school plays an important role, the tool they have to train volunteers who accompany their associates, and the contribution of our company will contribute to the achievement of their objectives. The basic volunteering course lasts twelve hours, and there are also other courses such as ‘Good treatment of people with disabilities’, ‘First aid’ or ‘Easy reading to facilitate cognitive accessibility’.
The Association of Parents of Children Born Prematurely (APREM) was created in 1999 to support a painful situation that many families face unexpectedly: the birth of a baby prematurely. APREM offers rigorous information on prematurity, psychological counselling and workshops for families, both in person and online. Zabala Innovation’s contribution will support maternal health and improve help for families facing this difficult situation.
“Fight to infinity and beyond” is the slogan of the Hodeilargi Association. It was set up in Tierra Estella (Navarra) to raise awareness of Batten disease, suffered by the two brothers who give the association its name: Hodei and Ilargi. Seven and four years old respectively, the two little ones are diagnosed with Batten disease CLN6, a neurodegenerative disease that evolves very quickly and has no cure. Their parents set up the Hodeilargi Association to make the disease visible and raise social awareness of it. With the contribution received by Zabala Innovation, they will adapt the bathroom of their residence and install a lift to facilitate accessibility for Ilargi and Hodei.
Geum dodou’ means ‘Life and courage’ in Wolof, the leitmotiv of the Geum dodou association of volunteers. This organisation of apostolic nuns was created to attend to the needs of African migrants who arrive in Melilla, either by jumping the fence, by sea or by crossing the border. To mitigate the clash of cultures and language, the Geum dodou Association offers workshops for them to learn Spanish, information about their legal rights, networking with people of different nationalities or with other migratory realities, etc. Our company’s donation will help to finance these much-needed trainings to bring life and courage to the migrants in Melilla.
Autism has one of its best disseminators in Autiblog The Magazine, an online and printed newsletter offering content created by autistic people. Each publication is a monographic issue on a topic, with analysis information, testimonies and personal expressions of the protagonists with autism. With the contribution received by Zabala Innovation, its creators will continue offering quality content, as they remunerate the work of their collaborators.
The social inclusion of the immigrant population is the objective of the Catalan foundation Bayt al-Thaqafa, which has programmes of orientation, accompaniment and advice so that diversity does not imply inequality. Another of the organisation’s major challenges is to promote dialogue and exchange with Arab culture. On this occasion, Zabala Innovation’s donation will help Nàsser’s family to reunite. This young refugee fled the Taliban regime in Afghanistan, and through a crowdfunding campaign the Bayt al-Thaqafa Foundation is raising funds to buy plane tickets for his wife and four children, and thus enable the family to be together again in Barcelona.
Maikuchiga Foundation
In Mocagua, in the heart of the Colombian Amazon, the Maikuchiga Foundation was founded 18 years ago. In the indigenous language Maikuchiga means “story of monkeys”, and it is precisely the fight against the illegal trafficking of monkeys that gave rise to the foundation. Since then, they have also been working to preserve the Amazon forests, and with the contribution of Zabala Innovation they will continue to look after the monkeys, fauna and flora of the great green lung of the world.
Animal welfare is also the driving force behind the Animal Protection in Navarre Foundation. This non-profit organisation fights for the dignity, respect and responsibility of people towards the pets they live with. They care for around 400 animals every year and provide them with shelter, food and veterinary services until they find a new home. Your contribution will help to maintain the shelter’s facilities and take better care of its furry tenants.
In the Valencian town of Paterna, a solidarity movement was born in 2019 that continues to help many people today: the association Paterna por la vida. It was created to help people with cancer in the town by seeking second medical opinions, if necessary, and also to pay for advanced diagnostic tests, treatments or operations. With the help of Zabala Innovation they will contribute to financing these diagnoses at the Clínica Universidad de Navarra.
The Telephone of Hope in Navarre is one of the great champions of mental health in the region. They are experts in intervention in critical situations, and have a 24-hour line 365 days a year to offer guidance, which can lead to a face-to-face intervention with their psychological care team. Zabala Innovation’s financial contribution will be used to improve the computerised procedure for keeping the clinical data of patients in the Psychological Care Department, an aspect of paramount importance for the Telephone of Hope.
Its name is a statement of intentions. Unbroken was born in 2022 in the context of the war between Russia and Ukraine. The Ukrainian city of Lviv has become a large humanitarian centre where the city’s medical union treats civilian and military victims of the war with reconstructive surgery, robotic prostheses and orthopaedics. With our contribution we will help to manufacture and fit these prostheses for the war victims.
This Madrid-based organisation was created to support the basic needs of the population of Ethiopia through educational, health, food and infrastructure programmes, and thus promote the autonomy and sustainability of these populations. Zabala Innovation’s contribution will help to build a new shelter, which will be added to the one already run by Volunteers for Africa in Ambo, a region located 120 km from the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa. Thanks to this project, children who were living on the street will be able to go to school and receive health care, and pre-employment training will also be provided for their mothers.
Horizon Europe
Horizon Europe has launched its next phase, which will run through 2021 and 2022, with a budget of €14.7 billion.
Daniel Errea
In this comprehensive ebook by Kaila you can learn more about the main European territorial cooperation programme.
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