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Showcasing the leading data portability innovations in Paris

Data portability

DAPSI project, the incubator for data portability which aims to make it significantly easier for citizens to transfer their data from one service provider to another in a simpler and more direct way, in line with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation, will celebrate its final event in Paris on Wednesday 14th December.

The Apidays community will host the final event to celebrate the end of the project. This opportunity will allow different stakeholders to interact face to face with DAPSI teams, that have been involved in one of the three project supporting programsthat will give the public an insight into the innovative data potability solutions.

European Commission representatives will also present the Next Generation Internet Initiative which funded the Data Portability & Services Incubator (DAPSI) Accelerator.

For 3 years, Zabala Innovation along with its partners: F6S, Cap Digital, IMT Starter, Fraunhofer IAIS and ENGINEERING, have supported 46 top-notch projects in the data portability field. These projects have been selected through a process of three open calls.

To develop these technology solutions and services, DAPSI offered a grant up to €150.000 and a 9-month supporting program with high level coaching sessions. The purpose of this program was to develop open-source solutions that enable data portability addressing technical barriers and challenges in terms of interoperability, security, or sovereignty.

On top of that, Apidays will celebrate its 10th anniversary and expect more than 3000 attendees in 3 days! This event is the unique place to democratize and evangelize the use and the opportunity of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) for corporations and businesses.

At the event you can find us in a booth with DACAPEDA, DYBLI, DPella, DASI Breaker, ALIAS and Interoffice, 6 of DAPSI project funded companies. Do not hesitate to come along to find out more about the project, ask all your questions and find out all the details.

For those of you who are interested in attending, contact us to get your free invitation (with access to the three-days event): smateo@zabala.es (Sara Mateo).

DAPSI Final Event agenda

  • 15.00h – Welcome, Introduction and main achievements in DAPSI
  • 15.10h – The Next Generation Internet Initiative
  • 15.20h – Success cases supported by DAPSI (CLISK, Orvium, DTBLI, DPella, DASI BREAKER, IDISS Exo)
  • 16.05h – DAPSI main insights gained
  • 16.20h – The future of Data and Services Portability – Fresh ideas and future projects.
  • 16.35h – The Data Portability Community (My Data Global)
  • 16.50h – The importance of Data Portability and APIs (Discussion panel)
  • 17.45h – Closing remarks

Some context about Data Portability Innovation and DAPSI

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applies since 25 May 2018. Specifically, Article 20 has the purpose of making it significantly easier for citizens to have any data which is stored with one service provider transmitted directly to another provider. This means that providers of data processing services must adopt interoperable formats that enable data portability as soon as possible.

A standard operating procedure which is clear, feasible and predictable seems to provide good protection. However, it is still unclear how this theoretically plausible portability will be implemented. In this uncertain and underdeveloped path, advanced research is needed to set the principles to allow the implementation of Data Portability solutions and give the concerned persons better control over their personal data. This is the specific purpose of DAPSI, to empower top internet innovators to develop human-centric technology solutions addressing the challenge of personal data portability on the internet.

DAPSI, a Horizon 2020 EU-funded project (contract No 871498), fosters the advanced research in the Services & Data Portability field through the support to researchers, SMEs and startups or innovators providing up to 150K€ of funding and a pack of services such as coaching and mentoring in technical and non-technical areas.

DAPSI has supported 46 teams that have researched and applied advancement to relevant uses cases through a 9-month programme. Experts in diverse fields have provided a successful working methodology, access to top infrastructure, training in business and data related topics, coaching, mentoring, visibility, and community building.

In the first phase of the DAPSI programme, the participants have defined and developed a prototype of the use case in a specific Data Portability sub domain, attended training sessions, pitch, and accessed top infrastructures, with coaching support. The best teams have progressed to the phase 2 where the use cases have been fostered to evolve into solid projects to gain enough traction for deployment and readiness for the market.