LIFE 2020: what’s new in the new call
The official opening of the LIFE 2020 call is scheduled for the 2nd of April. Find out how the increase in funding will affect the Programme and register for the online LIFE info day!
Energy system
The platform’s core team will explain how to design innovative projects in line with the goals of the EU’s Green Deal
The EU Green Deal and all subsequent legislation such as the Fit for 55 package set precise targets to be achieved by 2030 along the path of climate neutrality to be reached by 2050. Most of these targets have been translated into national requirements by all Member States and embedded into national legislations and plans, such as the National Energy and Climate Plans and the Long Terms Strategies.
Nevertheless, the research and innovation (R&I) pathways leading our energy systems to these integration goals are far from linear but discontinuous. Some of the tasks and associated R&I projects are prerequisites for others and thus will need to be deployed and implemented before these. Others still will only need to be prepared or demonstrated later, towards 2030, so their deployment can be done between 2030 and 2040, hence before 2050.
ETIP SNET – The European Technology and Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition – will present its R&I implementation plan 2022-2025 in a webinar on 6 April at 10am. The plan is now available on the Publications Office of the European Union. The publication aims to translate the abovementioned requirements into fundamental and discernible features of the European energy system of 2030 that could be realised through concrete R&I projects. The event will consist of three plus one introductory session, where ETIP SNET Core Team members will present the nine High Level Use Cases (HLUCs).
HLUCs are critical to outline the concrete R&I Priority Project Concepts (PPCs) that will need to be pursued in the ongoing decade to achieve the targets set by the EU Green Deal for 2030. In doing so, the ETIP SNET R&I Implementation Plan 2022-2025 will help translate theoretical requirements into fundamental and discernible features of the European energy system of 2030 to be realised through concrete R&I projects. The event will be addressed to the European Commission, representatives from the ETIP SNET and the wider R&I communities.
Register for the ETIP SNET Webinar here!
The official opening of the LIFE 2020 call is scheduled for the 2nd of April. Find out how the increase in funding will affect the Programme and register for the online LIFE info day!
10th Framework Programme
Susana Garayoa
Head of Institutional Relations in Brussels
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