Social challenges
IMPETUS aims to set up a Citizen Science (CS) innovation programme to support and give recognition to citizen science in...
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Role of Zabala
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€ 1M
Total Budget
The ambitious energy targets in Europe require a series of changes towards the adoption of cleaner and low-carbon energy generation. Despite its development potential, hydropower faces a series of environmental, societal, technological and commercial challenges that require new approaches.
The new ETIP hydropower will integrate the results drawn from the Strategic Industry Roadmap (SIR) and the Research and Innovation Agenda (RIA), created under the H2020 project Hydropower Europe, into the SET Plan roadmap. More than 600 stakeholders participated in several consultation processes which brought to life 18 research themes and 11 strategic directions.
The project will seek to consolidate the current network of more than 600 representatives from all the value chain of the sector into a sustainable association that will become the common and permanent voice of hydropower in Europe. It also aims to cooperate with similar fora to enhance joint implementation of activities supporting EU energy transition.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
“ETIP Hydropower is at the forefront of driving Europe towards its ambitious clean energy targets. While hydropower presents immense potential, it also confronts a spectrum of challenges spanning environmental, societal, technological, and commercial domains, necessitating fresh perspectives”
Janire García
Leader of the Dissemination and Communication of European Projects area
Brussels Hydropower Day 2024
Brussels Office
Leader of the Dissemination and Communication of European Projects area
Social challenges
IMPETUS aims to set up a Citizen Science (CS) innovation programme to support and give recognition to citizen science in...
The European project ROMEO (Reliable O&M decision tools and strategies for high LCoE reduction on Offshore wind) aims to reduce...
Social challenges
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We share with you our 2018 Sustainability Report in which we summarise the most important actions that took place over the last year, in alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
Alberto González Cubillo
Innovation Consultant in Aviation field
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