Anna Lorenzini
Dissemination and Communication in European Projects
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Anna Lorenzini has joined the Brussels office of Zabala in November 2022 as part of the European Projects Communication and Dissemination team. She is currently one of the people in charge of the communication and dissemination work packages of the projects AISym4MED and TransEuroWorkS, and she is also giving support to the NESOI project.
Her day-to-day tasks include writing press releases, news articles, and newsletters, updating website content, supporting in the planning of social media campaigns, live-tweeting, and coordinating with third parties to produce online shareable materials and offline communication materials, such as brochures, videos, and other promotional materials.
Anna has a bachelor’s degree in Languages, Cultures, and Societies of Asia and Mediterranean Africa and a master’s degree in Comparative International Relations, Intermediterranean curricula, both held at Ca Foscari University of Venice. While she was writing her master’s thesis, she also attended a master’s in Communication and Lobbying in International Organizations at SIOI – The Italian Society for International Organizations. Before joining Zabala, she worked for SEC Newgate in Milan mainly as a content writer but also giving support on other activities. Since December 2021, she is also part of ITSS Verona – The Italian team for the study of international security. The main roles that she covers in this association are Middle East researcher, social media, and communication strategy member team, and also as regional manager.
She speaks five languages at different levels: Italian, English, French, Spanish, and Arabic.