European projects
The revolution of the lump sum in financing innovative European projects

Rocío Fernández
EU Finance Knowledge Area Leader
EU Finance Knowledge Area Leader
Brussels OfficeRocío Fernández holds a degree in Business Administration and Management from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain) and completed her career with two master’s degrees. The first one, was based on Economics and innovation management from the universities Autónoma, Politécnica and Complutense (Madrid). The second one focused on Management at the University of Alcalá de Henares. Finally, she completed a specialization course in Construction and analysis of financial models at the Institute for Market Studies (IEB, Madris).
As for her professional experience, she worked as an accountant at Ysonut Laboratories, recognized as European leaders in the field of nutrition. She also had the opportunity to improve her commercial skills in the business development department of the Hyatt Regency Hesperia Madrid Hotel. She focused on the financial area when she worked as a Financial Planning Analyst for five years in a leading company in the water treatment sector, which designs, builds and operates water treatment plants worldwide, Acciona Agua.
She currently works in the European Projects department of Zabala Innovation’s Madrid office, where she focuses mainly on the financial side of project planning and proposal writing.
European projects
Rocío Fernández
EU Finance Knowledge Area Leader
Innovation Fund
Rocío Fernández
EU Finance Knowledge Area Leader
Innovation Fund
Rocío Fernández
EU Finance Knowledge Area Leader