21-22 April: CIRCUSOL held its Consortium Meeting in Berlin
It was hosted by SunCrafter who showed us what they do at MotionLab
Zabala Innovation developed a Technology Roadmap, which sought to reflect the paths that will guide the company from its current position to its desired destination.
The ENTORNO project provided companies advice and methodological tools that allow them to understand and define emerging business strategies, based on the analysis and understanding of their business environment and their competitors. For the process of strategic understanding and the definition of emerging strategies, Innovation and Competitiveness diagnostics were carried out and designed by ZABALA, allowing the analysis and characterisation of each companies’ situation (knowledge of technologies, business environment, qualities, etc.).
Business model canvases were then developed with Tecnalia Colombia, enabling the organisation to reorganise or restructure its business model. Based on the market and SWOT analyses, a Technological Roadmap was developed.
Along with the Roadmap, the results of technological prospective analyses, carried out by ZABALA, were prepared and presented, with the aim of offering a vision of the potential impact that the organisation could generate.
The identification of the organisation’s hidden assets was performed, using Value Curves, Eric Matrices and PEC Maps. Finally, a competitive intelligence analysis was also carried out, for which information from the companies that were part of the competition was gathered and analysed, to identify their strengths and weaknesses and anticipate the competitors’ actions.
Zabala developed a social management plan within the framework of the "Bayunca I Solar Plant" project to ensure the sustainability of the initiative in the short, medium and long term.
Zabala Innovation collaborates with IAN by building spaces for dialogue between this agri-food company, public authorities and local communities in Namibia.
The Industrial Innovation in Transition (IIT) project aims to understand how innovation processes are changing in European industry, and to disseminate best practices in this area among companies and government agencies.
It was hosted by SunCrafter who showed us what they do at MotionLab
Clean hydrogen
Gorka Arzallus
Consultant and transport and hydrogen expert
LIFE 2021-2027
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We lead leading European projects and studies in different sectors, such as smart cities, energy and environment, ICT, biotechnology and open innovation. Our goal is to innovate and to create new paths within the European innovation ecosystem.
The important thing is not to keep moving, but rather to know in which direction to go. Our 37% success rate proves that we know how to guide our clients.
Our compass is our clients; our mission is to solve their problems, guiding them so that innovation becomes their key to competitiveness.