CEF Energy
€5.84 billion Budget

The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) for Energy is a funding programme designed to support the development and upgrading of cross-border energy infrastructure, such as electricity grids and gas pipelines. Its objective is to facilitate Europe’s transition to clean energy and to complete the Energy Union by making the EU's energy systems more interconnected, smarter, and digitalised.

Interconnected, smart and digitally advanced energy systems

CEF Energy supports Europe’s shift towards clean, reliable, and interconnected energy. Managed by the European Climate, Infrastructure, and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA), CEF Energy finances projects to enhance the integration of the European energy market by improving the connectivity of energy networks across borders and sectors.

It supports initiatives that reduce carbon emissions, enhance energy reliability, and advance cross-border projects focused on renewable energy generation.

CEF Energy drives the Trans-European Networks for Energy (TEN-E) policy, which identifies priority projects and regions essential for Europe’s energy goals: the Projects of Common/Mutual Interest (PCI/PMI).

Only projects on the PCI/PMI list can apply for CEF Energy funding, which is updated every two years. These projects must:

  • Contribute to EU energy objectives
  • Increase competition
  • Have an impact on the energy market of at least two European countries
cef energy
FOR 2021-2027

can apply?


Public authorities

Public & private companies

Check out the opportunities
for Green Hydrogen!

Don’t miss topics and funding opportunities currently supporting

the implementation of green or renewable hydrogen projects in Europe.


life programme 2023

Funding sectors

Currently, CEF Energy is divided into two funding sectors: 

Projects of Common Interest (PCIs)

This sector supports sustainable energy infrastructure projects. It encompasses new infrastructure categories eligible for EU support, including offshore electricity grids, hydrogen infrastructure, and smart grids for electricity and gas. 

Cross-Border Renewable Energy 

Projects (CB RES)

This sector focuses on supporting cross-border projects in renewable energy. These projects are designed to contribute to decarbonisation, complete the internal energy market, and enhance supply security. They aim to enable the cost-effective deployment of renewable energy resources.

Our figures in CEF Energy



PCI projects have received funding with Spanish participation in total since 2014


Funding applications submitted by Zabala Innovation for PCI projects in Spain


Project supported by Zabala Innovation for entering into the 2nd PCI/PMI list



of the projects of the list are being supported by Zabala Innovation


Applications submitted by Zabala Innovation


Projects supported by Zabala Innovation approved (1 Studies funded & 1 Status)


Success rate in 

CEF Energy

Previously, mainly major TSOs prepared applications for funding. Now, CEF Energy embraces a broader scope with projects like hydrogen, energy storage, CO2 networks, smart grids, and more. With new eligible beneficiaries, including DSOs and energy producers, competition is growing.


We’re here to support more entities in navigating this evolving landscape and securing funding success.

How can we
help you

1. Entry into Union/ Status List

We provide you support and prepare your application during the TYNDP process, PCI/PMI list, and CB-RES status.

2. Proposal development

Once the project is in the Union / Status List, we help you during the application for funding, find the right partners, write the proposal and develop it.

3. Contract with the Commission

We prepare the grant agreement with the European Commission. We take care of all administrative, legal and financial aspects of each proposal.

4. Administrative Management

Once the proposal is approved, we support the coordinator and the partners in the administrative, financial and legal management of the project.

5. Information

We receive information on funding opportunities for your project, and we update and adapt it to your activities and the challenges of your sector.

6. Strategic partner

Within our consultancy function, we offer dissemination and communication services, cascade funding, platform management…

Related staff

Juan Sanciñena

Juan Sanciñena

Senior Consultant in European Projects

Carolina Simón

Consultant in European Projects

Natxo de Marco

Natxo De Marco

Energy Knowledge Area Leader

Margherita Volpe

Margherita Volpe

Security, Space & Defence Knowledge Area Leader

Juan Sanciñena

“CEF-Energy is the key EU programme to finance strategic national and transnational projects that are significant to the Trans-European Energy Networks (TEN-E), as well as Cross-Border Renewable

energy generation projects.”

Juan Sanciñena

Senior Consultant in European Projects

Current News



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More about
Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)

The CEF Digital programme is part of the broader Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), a European Union program designed to support and fund infrastructure projects across Europe. 


The program has an allocated total budget of €33.7 billion

How can we help you?

Our team can advise you on any question you might have, so feel free to contact us, no strings attached.