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Social Challenges


Social challenges





1 M€

Total budget




Culture and freedom of creation play a fundamental role for the European Union and its citizens. Having a strong, dynamic, diverse, competitive, innovative and viable European cultural and creative industries ecosystem (CCIE) is essential for the EU, as it strengthens democratic values, the development of new ways of thinking, the prosperity of societies, the vitality of local areas, the quality of the living environment and the wellbeing of individuals


CreaSus puts environmental and social sustainability at its centre, and will contribute to the identification of impacts and opportunities of CCSIs by designing and developing: A sustainability self-assessment tool; Actions for sustainable transformation; A funding framework roadmap to analyse different funding schemes to provide CCSIs with clear guidelines on how to grow and develop; A capacity-building program for CCSIs management bodies to help them identify challenges and opportunities.


At least 90 CCIs from 10 EU countries will take on their sustainability self assessment and reflect on how to integrate sustainability practices. CreaSus will support at least 20 entities to get funding for their sustainability projects. Three years after the project tends CreaSus platform is expected to have a regular number of users of 140 CCIs of at least 14 EU countries and to have led a total of 40 cross-border collaborative practices.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research And Innovation programme under Grant Agreement Nº 101120660

“It is essential that the Cultural and Creative Sectors can access tools to diagnose their potential economic, social and environmental impact, establish action and mitigation plans.”

Izaskun De Allende

Social Innovation Knowledge Area Leader

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